Ganagapur Dattatreya Nirgun Math is at 22 KM's from 'Ganagapur Road' (Railway Station of Ganagapur) and 40 KM's from its area place called KALABURAGI which is recently known as GULBARGA in northern sections of Karnataka.
Nearest City is Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) at 40 KM's (Approx.)
Ganagapur to Sholapur (Maharashtra) distance is approximately 101 KM's
Nearest domestic Airport is Kalaburagi Airport (formerly known as Gulbarga airport.The code is GBI, which is district place of Ganagapur as well (Approx 45 KM’s from Ganagapur.) Currently there are 2 direct flights operating from BANGALURU-KALABURAGI ( Air-India and Star-Air). For timings of flights please visit respective airline websites.
Mumbai to Ganagapur road distance is 498 and Rail Distance is 541 KM's approximately
From Hyderabad (Approx 240 KM):
Route : Hyderabad – Pattanacheru- Zaheerabad- Humnabad (from Outer Ring Road circle take left towards Kalaburagi)- Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) – Chaudapur (Take left from Chaudapur) – Ganagapur.
(When you arrive at start point of Gulbarga ask local people how to arrive at High court of Gulbarga, you can take left intersection High Court of Gulbarga enroute of Afzalpur to arrive at Ganagapura.)
From Mumbai(Approx 500 KM):
Route : Mumbai- Pune- Solapur- Akkalkot- Dudhani- Afzalpur- Choudapur- Ganagapur
From Banglore(Approx 677 KM) :
Route : Bangalore - Anantapur- Kurnool - Mehboob Nagar- Sedam- Malkhed - Gulbarga - Ganagapur. (677 KM Approx.)
Bangalore- Anantapur - Gooty - Aadoni - Raichur- Devadurga - Shahapur- Surpur- Gulbarga - Ganagapur.
(When you arrive at start point of Gulbarga ask local people how to arrive at High court of Gulbarga, you can take left intersection High Court of Gulbarga enroute of Afzalpur to arrive at Ganagapura.){603 KM Approx.}
You can also take following route.
Bangalore- Tumkur- Hospet- Nidgunda Cross (take right)- Basavana Bagevadi- Ingaleshwar- Devara Hipparagi- Sindagi- Jeratagi- Moratagi (Take left after Jeratagi)- Ganagapur (600 KM’s Approx)
Here are some easy trains from Mumbai ,Chennai, Banglore and Hydrabad.
Gulbarga {Railway Station code GULBARGA (GR)}
Gulbarga is a local place only 40 KM away from Ganagapur, you can take transport or private vehicle to arrive at Ganagapur. On the off chance that you didn't get immediate transport, at that point can get successive transports to Chowdapur and can get Autos from Chowdapur to Ganagapur which is 7 KM.
Duration: It may take maximum of 60 mins to reach Deval Ganagapur from Gulbarga.
Station Ganagapur {Railway Station code GANAGAPUR ROAD (GUR)}
Station Ganagapur is the closest railroad station for Deval Ganagapur which is only 22 KM away. In the event that you get down here Autos and transports are accessible to arrive at Deval Ganagapur.
Duration: It may take maximum of 40 mins to reach from Station Ganagapur.
NOTE: Pick-up and drop facility can be arranged if informed 2 days before your journey.